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(3/308) 26 - Ant Farm hangs jEdit on Mac OS X

If a compile attempt with Ant Farm contains lots of
(~15+) errors it can hang jEdit and require a force
quit (kill) of jEdit. Although this does not happen
every time there are a large number of errors it
happens frequently enough to require that you
periodically exit and restart jEdit to ensure your
project settings are not lost.

Submitted *anonymous - 2002-06-08 16:33:30 Assigned jiwils
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2003-05-23 21:57:53

- **assigned_to**: nobody --> jiwils

2003-05-29 05:20:25

- **labels**: 102671 -->

2003-05-29 05:20:26

- **assigned_to**: jiwils --> nobody

2003-06-17 07:21:20

- **assigned_to**: nobody --> jiwils